Dropbox stock info
Dropbox stock info

dropbox stock info dropbox stock info

Some investors take solace in Dropbox’s seem­ing­ly healthy cash flow, but Spruce Point believes that its FCF mar­gin is mis­un­der­stood by the Street by as much as 2x. We have col­lect­ed unique data show­ing that its late FY19 deci­sion to raise prices after cre­at­ing a more “busi­ness-friend­ly” plat­form – dubbed the “New Drop­box” – has enraged some of its core individual/SMB user base, and has giv­en cus­tomers new rea­son to con­sid­er switch­ing. Mean­while, management’s recent attempt to reac­cel­er­ate growth appears to be falling flat. Spruce Point finds over­whelm­ing evi­dence that the sto­ry has changed: Drop­box is a decel­er­at­ing busi­ness in an increas­ing­ly low val­ue-added space, with lit­tle net­work effects or bar­ri­ers to entry. Drop­boxs (“DBX” or “the Com­pa­ny”) was once seen – and is still seen by most investors – as the quin­tes­sen­tial Sil­i­con Val­ley soft­ware uni­corn: a fast-grow­ing, high­ly cash-gen­er­a­tive SaaS com­pa­ny with a sticky cus­tomer base and a long run­way for upsells.

Dropbox stock info